Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reading Blog

April 28th 2011
Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight
Anna went back to the place that her uncle's life had been taken trying to figure out what happend to him and how. When she got to the feild it was very open and somewhat wooded, she walked back into the wooded area looking for some sort of clue. The weather began to get very strange so she started jogging a little bit. After she had explored and decided to head back, she she was walking back to her car she was attacked from behind and pushed to the ground. The person or people who attacked her told her that if she told anyone about it there would be more poeple coming afer her. They told her to keep her head down until she counted to 100 then she could get up and go home. She waited for a while, got up, and rushed home. When Anna returned home Zach was there. He could tell that she was very upset and something had happened to her. She tried to act like everything was ok and she could take care of herself, but she longed for Zachs help. He cleaned her up and questioned her about what had happened to her. When Zach left he told her to lock all the doors because he didnt know who would be coming around the house that night. That night Anna could not sleep at all, she thought she kept hearing things, she wasnt just hearing things there really was someone outside the house watching it. She crept around the house tring to figure out who it was. Suddenly she saw Zach shining a light at the person outside, it was Mr. Gill, Erikas dad. This was very strange to her, but she was glad that Zach was looking out for her.
I was glad that in these chapters the story line pick up a bit. It was getting very boring. I deffintnatly think that Zach has a love interest in Anna, he is not just pretending. I also think that Anna knows she likes him she just dosent want to admit it. I will bw interested to see their relationship grow.

until next time....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


After looking through many different blogs there were a few that stood out to me. I really enjoy JuJu Bee's blog, she makes it really personal and I enjoy reading that more then just the reading posts. I also enjoy Happy Talk's blog, he or she adds many pictures to go along with personal or reading posts. The pictures add alot to the blog. I think that Cypher has good reading posts, but could use a few more personal posts

Cypher: needs more personal posts-
JuJu Bee: good personal posts-

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reading Blog

April 20th 2011
Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight
Anna left Zach at the part, because he tried to kiss her and she knew that he was just playing her. When she was in the restroom she talked to Erikas dad Mr. Gill, he told her things about her real mother. He said that he offered to maarry her so that she could keep the baby which was Anna. He told her that he wanted her to wear her hair up and wear pinks and reds because that is what her mother used to wear. The next day at work Zach came and wanted to talk her about what happened at the party. She talked to him about how she knew that he was just playing her, and they talked about how Erika was innocent and did not kill her uncle.
These were more uneventful chapters. I really wish that the plot would pick up. Im about to put this book down and be done reading it. I really want things to pick up a bit!

until next time....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Art Gallery

The dull colors and shading of Loren Law's painting "Waiting Game" allude a very lifeless and lethargic feeling. The way that the two figures are looking down at the ground create a hostile feeling to the poem. The artist used very vapid greys and blues to make the poem have a somber feeling. The poem is called the "Waiting Game", the way that the colors slowly fade out enhance to the thought of waiting for something to come and it slowly fadeing away.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Soul Surfer

This weekend I went to the movie soul surfer with my friends. It was so good! I would recomend it ti anyone. It was a movie that teens along with adults would like. Also, it would be a great movie to go to eith your family. It was about Bethany Hamiltion the really good surfer that got her arm bitten off by a shark when she was surfing. The movie shows her life before and after the accident, and all of her struggles that come with that. I really enjoyed it and deffintantly want to see it again.

Reading Blog

April 18th 2011 Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight Page#97-157 Anna continued to work at the shop that Zachs step-mother owns. Anna ran into Zach and his dog, he was being very flirty with her but she acted as though she did not care because she knew in the back of her mind that he was just playing her. She took Clyde down to the river and got in the boat with him, the next thing she knew she was tipped over in the water with the dog. When Anna got home that night she heard Aunt Iris talking to her self or what she thinks are voices. She was talking about her husband Will and how he hasent left her yet. When Anna was working the next day Zach stopped by and asked her if she wanted to go a birthday party with him. She told him that she was busy. When Anna returned home she went to her Uncle Wills den and looked around to see if she could possibly find some clues that would lead her to figuring out the death, she really found nothing. Anna was thinking more abou the party and deided if she went then maybe she would hear people talking and find out soem information abou the fire. She went over to Zachs house and told him that she wanted to go now. Zach picked her up the next day for the party and he was suprised at how dressed up she was. They went to the party for Erika, a girl that Anna knew was totaly into Zach. At the party she heard people talking abou the fire, she tried to listen to what they were saying but it was very difficult for her to hear. These cahpters really didnt have anything that interesting going on in them. I was kind of disspaopinted in them. Hopefully the next reading will be a little more eventfull.
until next time....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reading Blog

April 14th 2011 Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight Page#41-97 Anna finds her aunt and uncle's house very creepy, and she does some exploring in it. They live on a lake or pond, but for some reason she is very frightned of the dark water. Her aunt is very strange in that she calles her Joanna, which was her birth mothers name that gave her up for adoption. During the night Anna has strage dreams about her uncle and a fire again, she finds this creepy because her uncle died in the car that was on fire. Anna goes to the town sherrif to try to get some answers about her dead uncle. He did not give Anna the answers that she wanted, she decided she would have to try to figure it out on her own. Anna went into town and met Zach Flemming, one of her aunt and uncles neighbors. She was very attracted to him. Anna went into a store and saw that there was a sign for help wanted, she asked for the job and she got it! She came to find out that it was Zach's step-mom that owned the store. When Anna returned home she went out to the pond and saw Zach swimming around, she did nto want to get in so she took the row boat out and acted like she knew what she was doing. Anna overheard Zach and a girl named Erika talking about how it was Zachs job to keep Anna busy, and make it seem like he liked her and just play with her mind. She said this because she has ties to the death of her uncle and she doesent want Anna finding anything out. The novel is starting to devlop a very interesting plot, I think that Anna will try to go indeth about what happened to her uncle and figure the whole thing out. I also think instead of Zach playing her she will play Zach now.
until next time....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Modern Miami House

The sharp lines, openness, and abstract fixtures of the rooms in Pharrell Williams home create a contemporary and fresh setting. Almost all of the walls in the home are white, which makes it seem clean and very simple. The chair with the human legs as the chair legs add a very stylish and modern feel to the home. Outside, on the deck the seating is very boxy and has very sharp lines. The couches and chairs create a sharp and trendy feeling to the outside of the house. The piano is probably the best part of the entire house. It is clear, which means that you can see all of the gears and machines in the inside of it. This alludes to a clear clean cut feel to the person living in the house.

Reading Blog

April 12th 2011
Elizabeth Chandler-The Back Door of Midnight
Page# 1-40

Im starting a new book of the series by Elizabeth Chandler. I hope that this book is not going to be as scary as the others, but still good at the same time. This book starts out with the main character Anna going back to her aunt and uncles house for the summer after her uncle Will had sent her a letter asking her to come because there were things that he needed to explain to her about the family and her aunt Iris. Before she left for their house she had a weird dream that she was in a fire and she could hear her uncle Will, but could not really see him that well because of all the smoke. When she arrived at her aunt and uncles house she found out that her uncle had been killed in the trunk of a car. The car was set on fire. Anna realized what her uncle was talking about in the letter about needing to talk to her about Iris. Iris seemed to be going crazy, she heard voices in her head and talked back to them to get them to stop. Iris also "talked to animals" and helped them with their problems. Anna wants to find out how the murder of her uncle happened and who did it.
I feel like this book will be good, I just hope that its not too scary because the last one that I read freaked me out alot! I could not even read it in the night time. I think that Anna will find out about her uncle at the same time she is finding out weird things about her aunt.
until next time....

Fun in Etymology!!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break

I Had a very good spring break! WE went to Fort Myers Beach, the weather was beautiful, the beaches were awesome, and I was with some good friends! Basically everyday I went running down to the Pier in the morning then read until about 11, then went out to the beach and did not come in until 6 when it was time to get ready to go to dinner. We at soem really good food while we were down threre too. I think I gained about 5 ponds! I would deffintantly go back to Fort Myers, It was alot of fun. :)