Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight
Anna went back to the place that her uncle's life had been taken trying to figure out what happend to him and how. When she got to the feild it was very open and somewhat wooded, she walked back into the wooded area looking for some sort of clue. The weather began to get very strange so she started jogging a little bit. After she had explored and decided to head back, she she was walking back to her car she was attacked from behind and pushed to the ground. The person or people who attacked her told her that if she told anyone about it there would be more poeple coming afer her. They told her to keep her head down until she counted to 100 then she could get up and go home. She waited for a while, got up, and rushed home. When Anna returned home Zach was there. He could tell that she was very upset and something had happened to her. She tried to act like everything was ok and she could take care of herself, but she longed for Zachs help. He cleaned her up and questioned her about what had happened to her. When Zach left he told her to lock all the doors because he didnt know who would be coming around the house that night. That night Anna could not sleep at all, she thought she kept hearing things, she wasnt just hearing things there really was someone outside the house watching it. She crept around the house tring to figure out who it was. Suddenly she saw Zach shining a light at the person outside, it was Mr. Gill, Erikas dad. This was very strange to her, but she was glad that Zach was looking out for her.
I was glad that in these chapters the story line pick up a bit. It was getting very boring. I deffintnatly think that Zach has a love interest in Anna, he is not just pretending. I also think that Anna knows she likes him she just dosent want to admit it. I will bw interested to see their relationship grow.
until next time....