Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading Blog

April 18th 2011 Elizabeth Chandler- The Back Door of Midnight Page#97-157 Anna continued to work at the shop that Zachs step-mother owns. Anna ran into Zach and his dog, he was being very flirty with her but she acted as though she did not care because she knew in the back of her mind that he was just playing her. She took Clyde down to the river and got in the boat with him, the next thing she knew she was tipped over in the water with the dog. When Anna got home that night she heard Aunt Iris talking to her self or what she thinks are voices. She was talking about her husband Will and how he hasent left her yet. When Anna was working the next day Zach stopped by and asked her if she wanted to go a birthday party with him. She told him that she was busy. When Anna returned home she went to her Uncle Wills den and looked around to see if she could possibly find some clues that would lead her to figuring out the death, she really found nothing. Anna was thinking more abou the party and deided if she went then maybe she would hear people talking and find out soem information abou the fire. She went over to Zachs house and told him that she wanted to go now. Zach picked her up the next day for the party and he was suprised at how dressed up she was. They went to the party for Erika, a girl that Anna knew was totaly into Zach. At the party she heard people talking abou the fire, she tried to listen to what they were saying but it was very difficult for her to hear. These cahpters really didnt have anything that interesting going on in them. I was kind of disspaopinted in them. Hopefully the next reading will be a little more eventfull.
until next time....

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