Monday, January 10, 2011

Why Read?!?

Considering that I do not like to read at all...well I take that back I like to read if it is a book that I choose and I am not being forced. Since Teachers have made students read books for school purposes I believe that it has turned student off to reading just for fun. So, I looked up the top ten reasons why you should read, I thought it would be a great first blog posting.
So here it is the top 10 reasons why you should read! 

10.   It’s fuel efficient.
  9.   You need to have a backup in case the TV and Internet go out.
  8.   It’s fun.
  7.   A flight attendant will never ask you to turn off your book.
  6.   If you like to read, you’ll never be alone.
  5.   No Commercials.
  4.   Reading makes school a lot easier.
  3.   It’s less fattening than chocolate.
  2.   So you can say with authority: the book was better.
  1.   (Almost) everybody’s doing it

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