Zoey Dean-The A-List
Page# 206-243
Anna woke up and realized that she had food poisoning, and had been throwing up all over the place since being at the pier. In her room stood Dee and Sam. Anna talked to her dad about how she wanted to just go home and how bad of a father he had been, he promised that he wanted to change and he would. Her father told her that the internship that he had arranged for her fell through and now she would have to go to Beverly Hills High School. On her first day of school she ran into Adam from the New Years party. He showed her around, then right as the bell was about to ring she heard someone calling her name. It was Ben! He told her he could explain why he left that night on the boat, but she wanted nothing to do with him. She said he had five minutes to explain, he said that one of his friends had over dosed and he went to take her to the hopsital. He said sorry a million and one times, but for her that was not enough. She left him and said to leave her alone.
I am sooo proud of Anna! she told Ben off , which he deserved. He was a jerk and even if a friend did need his help, still Anna deserved a phone call to tell her what was going on. This book turned out to not be that bad after all. A different read then i would have chosen, but still decent.
until next time....
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