Monday, March 7, 2011

Reading Blog

March 7th 2011
Elizabeth Chandler- Dark Secrets 1

Megan saw Sophie at the store the next day and told her that the four of them were going to a girl named Kristy's party, Sophie did not like the girl but she agreed to it anyway. Sophie told Megan that her and Alex used to be best friends in elementary school, but then when she made him a valentine he showed it to the entire class and they all laughed at her. Megan has been telling her about all the weird things that have been going on to her and the house. Sophie says that she thinks Megan is her grandmothers dead sister Avril reincarnated.
I think that after talking to Sophie Megan is really starting to get freaked out about this whole ghost thing. Im certian there will be more things that happen in the next few chapters that will elaborate on this weird happening. I cant wait to find out what is going to happen.
until next time....

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